Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Saving the planet: Sen. Lautenberg and Sigourney Weaver

I interviewed Sigourney Weaver today. She is as tall as they say in real life. She was wearing high-heeled boots as well. Very polite, approachable and someone who smiles, she puts a rookie reporter at ease. So I stood with my recorder, notepad and pen in the Capitol as she spoke about the ills of ocean acidification.

Read the story here.


ANC said...

Rookie reporter you are not.

Awesomeness-to-be-well-halfway-there-already, you are :)

Just checking in to remind you how proud I am of you! :)

Anonymous said...

You are literally going places. You rub shoulders with senators and get to have a one-on-one with Sigourney, it hardly can get better than this :)